Thysanoptera of Japan


Rhamphothrips nemunoki Masumoto & Okajima, 2018

和名: - 

これまで本州から得られている。本種の寄主植物はネムで、成虫は6~8月に葉に幼虫と共に発生するが、春先にもイネ科で成虫が採集される。本種はインドに分布するR. jasminae Bhatti、R. pardus (Bhatti)に似るが、腹部第2背板側縁の刺毛が本種では4本だが、後2種では3本であることで識別できる。オスは未知。

This species has been hitherto collected from Honshu, Japan. It feeds on leaves of Albizia julibrissin and adult occurs on its leaves together with larvae at Jun to August, but adult is also collected from Poaceae at early spring. This species is similar to Indian species, R. jasminae Bhatti and R. pardus (Bhatti). However, it can be distinguished from the latter two species by having abdominal tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae (vs. 3 setae on the latter 2 species). Male is unknown.

  • Female



    Female head and thorax

    Female head and thorax

    Habitat:Albizia julibrissin ネム